Quest Quick Keylist (Something you might wanna print out) --------------------------------------------------------- Shift - hold this and drag the mouse to box in and select vertices,entities,and scripts. The right shift key can also be used for slow zooming, camera moving, etc. Control - hold this and drag the mouse to box in and select brushes Alt+B - Bring up the Build options popup. ALT+G - Bring up the Grouping popup. Control+A - This selects all vertices in all selected brushes Control+C - Copies the selected brush / brushes to clipboard Control+V - Pastes the clipboard Control+S - Saves the file Control+P - Edits Quest Preferences Contorl+E - This edits the selected face/entity/script Control+R - Rotates the selected brushes. (or entities) Control+G - Scales the selected brushes. Control+M - Mirrors the selected brushes. Control+T - Sets the texture of currently selected brushes. Control+Arrows- Moves the selected vertices 1 snap step at a time. People were begging for keyboarded brush movement, so this is what I threw together in 5 minutes. Control+Alt+C - Reinits the camera position. Goes to either info_player_start or 0,0,0 if one does not exist. Shift+G - Scales the selected vertices. Arrow keys - Moves the camera. Hold the ALT key and use the arrow keys to turn the camera in different directions. A and Z - Moves the camera forwards and backwards (depth) I - Performs boolean subtraction. See csg.doc for more info. O - Creates a brush representing the volume of space where the 2 selected brushes intersect K - Performs a consistency check on the level, checking for non-convex polygons and polyhedra. Auto-zooms to your errors, if there are any. F - Toggles a viewport between 3D and 2D view modes. P - Toggles a viewport between wireframe / polygon view mode. B - Toggles a viewport to fullbright (everything is visible) G - Toggles grid style S - Zooms in in 2D mode X - Zooms out in 2D mode TAB - Toggles between Brush Mode, Entity Mode, and Script Mode F1 - Toggles fullscreen viewport F2 - Automatically Zooms the currently selected brushes in all 3 viewports F3 - Activates BSP view. If the BSP Tree has not been built, it will build one. Regenerate the tree after modifying the level via Create->BSP Tree or Shift+F3 Shift+F3 - Rebuilds the BSP tree and activates BSP view. F8 - Takes a screenshot DEL - Deletes all selected brushes / entities ~ - Redraws the screen